Now doing Saturday morning tours!

We are now accepting new enrolments

Santa Claus carries Christmas presents under the tre

Gift Giving and Children’s Christmas Party

32 Chamberlain Street Narwee NSW 2209

Christmas is a time of giving and sharing. We will wish each child ‘Merry Christmas ‘with a gift from the school. If you would like your child to give gifts on this day, please organise for the gifts to be
put under our Christmas tree before the day. Please ensure gifts are clearly marked. Children will give their gifts wishing the recipient a Merry Christmas After our gift giving, we will have a special Christmas party just for the children. Children will help prepare for the party by preparing food and setting the tables. It is a big job with a lot of responsibility, but they thoroughly enjoy it.

* * * We would like all children to attend pre-school on this day * * *

If your child does not normally attend pre-school on a Friday, they are invited to attend from 9.00am – 12pm on this day. To help us in our preparations, please talk to either Natalie or Amanda to inform us if your child will or will not be attending the Children’s Christmas Party.

Thank you

Kinderhaus Christmas Party