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Montessori children adjust well to traditional environments. Obviously, how well a child adjusts would greatly depend on the quality of school he enters. However, a child will be better equipped because of the desire to learn that has been developing throughout their Montessori training.,

Montessori children appear to adjust readily to new classroom situations. Studies have shown that children who have had 2 or more years of Montessori experience “show a high degree of initiative in learning situations with a positive attitude toward learning, independence, and respect for the rights of others to work without interruption”.

Parents also have an influence on their child’s adjustment to the school situation. They should observe the new school and then prepare their child for the changes noticed (e.g. desks, teacher in front of the class, teacher planned schedule, etc.) An explanation that the time has come for a change that includes new and different ways of doing things will suffice. Whatever atmosphere they find at school, they can still come home to a place where his active participation in everything from housekeeping to holiday preparations is provided for. Their school curriculum can now motivate family research projects and excursions.

Even though there may be some adjustments to make in certain areas (such as not being able to choose their own work or to help each other), this is a small disadvantage compared to the tremendous advantages of a Montessori pre-school education.