Now doing Saturday morning tours!

We are now accepting new enrolments

Is my child forced to sleep/rest during the day?

Long Day Care children attending the centre are encouraged to sleep/rest during the day. However, no child will be forced to sleep. The length of time a child sleeps/rests is individual and dependent on their needs. Children who do not sleep/rest will be able to do quiet indoor activities.

Is lunch supplied for Montessori Day Care?

Lunch is brought in from home (and put into the fridge), to ensure children are able to have foods that they enjoy and are not allergic to, this also allows parents to know exactly what the child has eaten at lunch (all food not eaten is sent home). FRUIT: Each child brings in a piece of fruit each […]

Am I entitled to Child Care Subsidy?

CHILD CARE BENEFITS Families who attend our centre are eligible to apply for Child Care Subsidy. Please see Centrelink BEFORE your child attends care. They will assess your income and inform the school of the percentage that they will pay toward your fees. Calculations and adjustments are made AFTER a child commences.

What are the enrolment fees for Beverly Hills Montessori Narwee?

ENROLMENT FEES:  Are payable 4 weeks in advance (including public holidays): Please call the office on (02) 9533 2781 for exact amount. Children’s bookings can only be accepted on receipt of an enrolment form duly signed by parent or guardian, and accompanied by the listing fee. OTHER FEES There is an annual $120 Activity fee […]

What time is Beverly Hills Montessori open?

Our licensed hours are from 7.00 am – 6.00 pm daily The centre operates for 52 weeks per year, but closes on Public Holidays, Staff Inservice days =3 days/yr (see Pupil Free Days), Special events at Christmas & Easter =2 days/yr. Fees apply to these days including parent holidays and sick days. In order to […]

What happens when a child goes from a Montessori class to a traditional class?

Montessori children adjust well to traditional environments. Obviously, how well a child adjusts would greatly depend on the quality of school he enters. However, a child will be better equipped because of the desire to learn that has been developing throughout their Montessori training., Montessori children appear to adjust readily to new classroom situations. Studies […]

Is Montessori suitable for all children?

The Montessori Method has been used successfully with children between the ages of 0 to 18 from all social-economic environments and with those in regular classes as well as the gifted, retarded, emotionally disturbed, and the physically handicapped. Due to Montessori’s individual approach, it is particularly suited to state education where children of many backgrounds are […]

What is the childs learning process in the Montessori environment?

In the Montessori classroom at any level the child is confronted with an orderly environment, containing a variety of concrete activities that in many cases are self-correcting. These activities progress steadily from simple to complex, and from concrete to abstract.

Should children attend every day?

Children at most Montessori schools attend for 3 hours every day in order to fully participate in all facets of a wide and rounded school life. They do this to become community members rather than ‘visitors’, and to achieve continuity in their work and that of the class, as well as the greatest opportunity to […]